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How to Establish an Emotional Connection...✍

 How to Establish an Emotional Connection...✍


If you want the healthiest relationship possible, learn how to establish a strong emotional connection with your partner.

With this in place, all other areas will flow naturally. Here are seven tips that can help you forge an unbreakable bond:

1. Study Your Partner...

Understand what your partner needs and wants from life and you. This means paying close attention when he/she talks. Look past the words and into their heart where they harbors secrets they wants to share.

2. Trust...

Develop a sense of trust with each other. This building block to an emotional connection will not come overnight. It takes time to develop secure feelings with another person. Let trust build naturally.

3. Emotional Availability...

Both of you must be emotionally available to the other. If you hold back in any way, you are not opening yourself up to the possibilities of a strong connection.

4. Show Affection...

A couple in a budding relationship has little problem showing affection, but married couples suffering from a fraying connection may need to work on being affectionate with each other.

Kiss each other good morning and good night. Hold hands, hug and rekindle the fires of physical love.

5. Fight Fair...

In the midst of heated battle, words and accusations fly, often hitting an unintended mark.

Learn to fight fair. If you do not know how, search for a book or counselor who can help you.

When arguing do not bring up the past. Stay in the moment and use solid reasons for why you feel the way you do.

6. See the World Through your Partner's Eyes...

Try to see the world as he/she does to discover who he/she really is. This means stepping back at times to envision why they behave in certain ways. Observe how he/she reacts to situations and try to imagine being in their shoes. Expect him/her to do the same.

7. Overcome the Obstacles...

Couples in faltering marriages often have pressing issues that need to be solved before an emotional connection can be established again.

Define each problem together and then find solutions to alleviate or eliminate the obstacle. Once the biggest obstacles are conquered, you can begin rebuilding the lost emotional connection.

Emotional connections are complex and subjective, but bring so much to the relationship table. Without building a strong bond, the relationship cannot advance from a simple friendship.

Remaining in a relationship without an emotional connection means one or both people will end up feeling as if something is missing.

And they would be right. In this case, something is missing: the strong chain that binds two people together and develops into a deep, abiding love that stands the test of time.


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