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12 Point Checklist to Get Google Adsense Approval Within 24 Hrs in 2023

12 Point Checklist to Get Google Adsense Approval Within 24 Hrs in 2023

  1. Read and understand Google AdSense program policies and terms of service to ensure that your website or blog complies with them.

  2. Create high-quality, original content that is relevant to your audience and niche.

  3. Choose ad formats that are appropriate for your website's design and layout.

  4. Place ads in locations where they are visible to your visitors, but avoid placing them in locations that may be considered deceptive or misleading.

  5. Optimize your website's loading speed to ensure that ads are delivered quickly and efficiently.

  6. Use responsive web design to ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices.

  7. Avoid clicking on your own ads or encouraging others to do so, as this is a violation of Google's AdSense policies.

  8. Monitor your AdSense account regularly to ensure that your ads are performing well and that there are no issues or violations.

  9. Use Google Analytics to track your website's performance and identify opportunities to optimize your ads.

  10. Test different ad formats, sizes, and placements to find the combination that works best for your website and audience.

  11. Consider using Google AdSense alternatives or supplementing your earnings with other revenue streams.

  12. Stay up to date with the latest Google AdSense policies and best practices to ensure that you are maximizing your earnings and complying with all requirements.

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